Weekly Chiropractic Info

After the Fall

Posted: March 12, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

According to the developer of Chiropractic, BJ Palmer, a clumsy slip and fall may seem like a small thing. But the cascade of events that follow could potentially lead to bigger problems down the road.

The slip, however insignificant, creates an unexpected jar to the spine… vertebrae become misaligned (subluxated)… nerve pressure ensues… tissues become starved of instruction… malfunction follows… sickness develops… potential is robbed… and the course of life is altered! All from an inconsequential, embarrassing moment in time – unless remedied soon after the event.

No matter how minor the slip, your chiropractor would rather evaluate you right away to be safe. Not only can they adjust you back into alignment if necessary, correcting subluxations sooner can thwart disruptions in your life (and the lives of others) later. After the fall, do us all a favor and get checked!

Maintaining the Goose

Posted: March 5, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

We all have excuses for not getting to the Chiropractor more often – too many appointments, too many responsibilities, too many “you fill in the blanks.” You’re the golden goose and you have little time and LOTS of people to keep happy. But what you don’t realize is those “I’m too busy” excuses are the EXACT reasons why you need to take better care of your spine and nerve system!

Every activity you perform starts as a mental impulse in your brain that travels through your spinal cord and nerves until it reaches its final destination. Nothing happens in your body without FIRST being patterned in the nerve system! From the simple act of getting up from a chair to more complex ones like balancing your books, everything you do in life is first done in your nerve system then executed in your body. And the more clear your nerve system is kept with regular chiropractic care, the more efficient and effective those jobs become!

A full plate is no excuse for missing adjustments. If you have co-workers and family depending on you, you owe it to them and yourself to maintain a clear nerve system so you can always perform to your best! A well adjusted goose lays more golden eggs!

Nothing's Scarier Than a...

Posted: February 26, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Are you an overly anxious person? Is worry a perpetual state of your being? Unfortunately, that constant “fear of what’s lurking under your bed” mentality can be creating the chronic pain you have in your body right now.

According to Hans Selye MD, well known author of The Stress of Life, transient anxious states elicit a natural stress response in our bodies. However, prolonged and persistent levels of anxiety can cause an OVER reaction. Your muscles become so tight, they unintentionally pull your spine off its axis – creating posture distortions, chronic immobility and potential nerve damage (a.k.a subluxations). That’s how constant FEAR causes constant PAIN!

Nothing is scarier than living in a perpetual, subluxated state. If you know someone who’s suffering with chronic stress, anxiety and pain, tell them how chiropractic care can potentially pull them from the darkness of dis-ease into the light of health and happiness!

A Slow Robbery

Posted: February 19, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Having your house or car broken into is violating. The feelings of shock, loss and disbelief are usually immediate when you first see the rummage and devastation of the event. It’s obvious you’ve been robbed. But what if the theft happens slowly overtime?

Imagine having your house broken into day after day, week after week for years… all without your conscious awareness. The thief takes one small thing at a time – an obscure picture off the wall here, a small item tucked away in the draw there. Until one day they steal the ONE thing that makes you finally wake up and take notice. The ONE thing that defines WHO YOU ARE! Losing your health to subluxations is similar to that!

Every moment spent in a subluxated state robs your body of normal physiological function, slowly and silently without your awareness. Until one day the ONE thing that makes you “YOU” disappears… perhaps your ability to work, play with your kids or enjoy your favorite hobby. The question is, what are you going to do in 2019 to secure your nervous system and safeguard your health against the slow robbery?

A Chiropractic Valentine

Posted: February 12, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

There’s a lot to love about Chiropractic – the science of nerve function, the art of correcting posture and spinal alignment. But the best part is the philosophy that gives meaning to it all.

Physicians focus on body parts, psychologists analyze thoughts and clergy tend to matters of the spirt. But no one profession touches them all… your physical health, mental health and spiritual health like Chiropractic! You can’t experience any of these without a clear nerve system. When Chiropractors restore normal spinal alignment and clear away nerve stress, your ability to express physical, mental and spiritual health is simply better.

Love and Life thrive where things are aligned. The resolution of pain and restoration of function are nice side effects of Chiropractic – the thing we love the most, however, is when you become whole again. Have a Happy and Healthy Valentine’s week!

Limitation of Thoughts

Posted: February 5, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Principle #24 in Chiropractic states that the innate healing ability within us is limited by the matter it has to work with. In other words, your body’s ability to repair itself is only as good as the building material at its disposal – the right nutrients, DNA, etc. But healing limitations don’t only come from matter!

Limitations of understanding and belief can also stop the healing process in its tracks. How skeptical are you (or your family and friends) of your innate ability to heal? Doubt and unbelief are just as powerful at hindering the healing process as a poor diet. When it comes to recovering from sickness and dis-ease, simply “hoping to get better” won’t cut it. You need to really believe it, in order to achieve it! 

What you think about, you bring about! Your state of health is more a product of your thoughts and beliefs than you realize. Make sure you’re cultivating concepts of health, faith and resolve that support the work your Chiropractor is doing – instead of surrounding yourself with unbelievers and naysayers!

X's, O's, and Time

Posted: January 29, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

“The Packers never lost a game… we just ran out of time.” – Vince Lombardi. Coach Lombardi’s quote sums up his unwavering belief in his team’s ability to win every game, if given enough time to execute their winning game plan. Chiropractors hold a similar, unwavering belief in your body’s innate ability to heal!


The 6th Principle in Chiropractic states “there is no process which does not require time,” including the healing process. BJ Palmer (the developer of Chiropractic) believed that given enough time and a clear nerve system the body could heal itself in just about any situation! In his mind, the innate wisdom of the body had the potential to win any healing game if just given a chance. This is the foundation of all successful Chiropractic experiences!

Life Lines

Posted: January 22, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Fortune tellers read the life line in the palm of a client’s hand. Cardiologist interpret the blipping life lines of a patient’s EKG. But Chiropractors dedicate their work to the most important life line of them all… the spinal cord and its protective covering, the spine!

The spine itself is an engineering marvel. Made up of articulating bones called vertebrae, each segment lines up perfectly with the next to provide both support to your body and protection to the spinal cord. It’s this critical relationship between spinal alignment and the flow of life through the spinal cord that Chiropractors are devoted to! Distort the alignment of the spine and you distort the flow of life through the cord. Distort the flow of life through the cord and you distort the expression of health in your body!

For a Chiropractor, smooth lateral curves and plumb postures are more than just simple diagnostic findings. They’re the validation that life is flowing freely through the patient like a river. And as long as life courses through the line, healing is sure to follow!

Don't Miss if You're Sick

Posted: January 15, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

If you ever thought about canceling your appointment because you were sick and didn’t want to spread your germs to everyone in the office, think again. It’s actually the BEST time to come in!

The field of neuro-immunology has well established the connection between a healthy nerve system and normal immune function. Chiropractic adjustments boost your ability to fight off colds and flus by unlocking your spine, clearing nerve tension and unleashing your immune POTENTIAL! And doesn’t it make sense to keep your immune system working its best so you can get better faster?

You wouldn’t cancel a dental appointment because your tooth hurt. Likewise, don’t cancel your Chiropractic appointment when your nerve system is fighting to get well. Even if you’re under the weather, try not to miss adjustments… and don’t worry about the other folks in the office getting sick – everyone here will be adjusted, protected and ready to serve you!

Drive Through Health

Posted: January 8, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

In today’s fast paced world, “instant” trumps process. Drive through windows and quick fixes are prized in cultures where instant gratification rules supreme. Unfortunately, these principles don’t work so well when it comes to your health!

It takes time for a good diet to reflect on your weight… time for exercise to improve the tone and strength to your muscles… and of course, it takes time for your chiropractic adjustments to create the positive restorative effects in your nerve system. Most everything that is good for you takes time to complete.

Don’t let the convenience of your local pharmacy, fast food or savings bank drive through lull you into complacency. “Quick” rarely fixes anything. Health favors the patient who has patience in the process. Make a plan to be more consistent your chiropractic care in the New Year!
