Weekly Chiropractic Info

Stay on Target

Posted: October 8, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

What do darts, guided missiles and your health all have in common? They eventually hit what they’re pointed at.

Throwing darts, firing rockets and goal setting all exhibit “cybernetic” activity – once a final destination is determined, an internal, intelligent system takes over behind the scenes to guide you to the target. And as long as the target remains clear, that internal system will calculate the best way to get you there without conscious micro-management. Changing your health course works the same way.

When starting any health endeavor, whether it’s a new diet plan or a corrective Chiropractic program, set your goal and keep it pinned to the forefront of your mind to improve your odds of success. At times when it seems you’re off course (a plateau in your progress or a minor setback), remember the end result you “programmed in” and trust that your innate guidance system is working diligently to reach it. You get what you stay focused on!

The Dow of Healing

Posted: October 1, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Healing is like the stock market. It never progresses in a straight line. You’ve got to expect some ups and downs along the way.

You might experience a surge of relief when you first start your chiropractic care only to be followed by a “setback”. Soon you’re back on track, seeing huge improvements. Progress continues with bouts of highs and lows, and you may even experience a plateau or dip in your improvements. But don’t make the mistake of “pulling out of the market” early.

Keep the big picture in mind. Like stocks, the gains in chiropractic care are best seen over time. When you look back and see how far you’ve come since your first visit, you’ll realize the LIFE dividends are paying off! 

That’s why it’s so important that even though you are experiencing an up in your health you still get in to see Dr. Rini regularly. So he can help keep your health on the upswing, and decrease your downswings to fewer and far in between!

Healing on a Spare

Posted: September 24, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Spare tire “doughnuts” are only meant to be temporary and help get you off the road and to the nearest service station for proper repair ASAP! Those small, cheap spare tires aren’t designed to withstand the heat and load of normal driving – or even less than normal driving for extended periods. But regardless of that warning, you’ve probably seen someone speeding down the highway with one, oblivious to the potential dangers.

Some people treat their health that way. When they get an injury or a health problem they mask their symptoms with “spare tire” medication, all the while continuing the activities that got them there in the first place. They pay little attention to the risks of temporarily patching their problem with drugs, and neglect to address the underlying CAUSE! Sooner or later, that will get you into trouble. 

When it comes to acute or chronic health problems, the best policy is to fix the underlying cause of the problem the right way instead of masking the symptoms with medication. That’s the core philosophy of drug free Chiropractic care. In the short term drugs may bring you false comfort, but in the long run you’re risking a serious blow out. 

To help prevent those serious blow outs to your health call or stop by the office this week to see Dr. Rini for an adjustment!

Happy Birthday Chiropractic

Posted: September 17, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

For over a century Chiropractors have been introducing their clients to the best doctor on the planet… the one that lives INSIDE them! On September 18th we celebrate another milestone.

From the first adjustment given by DD Palmer to the obsessive development and refinement of Chiropractic by his son BJ Palmer… from the suggestive healing power of Fleet to the diplomatic efforts of Williams… the technical dedication of Gonstead, Kale and Harrison to the humble service of Santo, Humber and Reaver. One principled thread holds us all together – the acknowledgment of an innate genius within all and the desire to restore life through its free expression!

Today we can serve patients because we stand on the shoulders of giants like these, and countless more. Want to know the best birthday gift you can give Chiropractic? It’s your continued efforts to spread the message and help us serve more people. Thanks for sharing your inspiring Chiropractic stories!

Fix it vs. Heal it

Posted: September 10, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

A damaged lawn mower needs to be fixed. A torn pants hem may need some mending. Broken people, on the other hand, require healing… and there’s a significant distinction.

Fixing is within the realm of the conscious mind. You can actually assess the damage and make the appropriate repair from experience. And yes, there is some degree of “fixing” in health care (i.e. stitching a cut, or casting a broken bone). But the detailed work of making you whole again, happens after hours in the healing process – which is completely managed by a far superior subconscious handyman.

No doctor, physical therapist or chiropractor can heal you from the outside. We can only create an environment around you, supportive of the process. Healing is an inside job best left to the professional inside you, and Dr. Rini has the technique to help that professional inside you perform to the best of its ability!

You Take a Vacation... Subluxations Don't

Posted: September 3, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Coral blue water, baby powder sand under your feet, not a worry in the world… vacations are the perfect time to lounge, spend some valuable time with family and friends and to recharge your batteries. How could you possibly become subluxated while you relax and decompress?

How about a week of sleeping on a strange mattress and over used flat pillow? Or the 30 mph wipeout off the banana boat ride. Not to mention the amazing dive you took to keep the ball in play while playing beach volleyball! Unfortunately subluxations and stress don’t take time off. The scenery may change, but your nerve system is still hard at work – reacting and adapting to all those “relaxing” changes in routine, which makes it a prime time for you and your family to become subluxated!

If you have been away from the office for a while, we hope you’re well rested. But now it’s time to get back on track and into a healthy routine; getting your spine aligned and destressed!

Before and after every vacation chiropractic should be on the top of your itinerary for you and your family, and Dr. Rini will help you to start and end your vacations subluxation free!

Order in Your Court

Posted: August 27, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

There’s an honorable judge seated at the bench of your existence – watching, listening and ruling on every aspect of your health and performance with one purpose in mind… to maintain order. How far reaching is its influence in your life?

It presided over your prenatal growth from one cell to 100 trillion in your first nine months. It ruled over your milestone development as an infant, your maturation throughout adolescence, and as an adult it continues to strike balance between the scales of breakdown and repair as you heal and re-create yourself every single day!

No doctor can match its wisdom, no pill can sway its resolve. When it comes to your health and ability to reach your peak potential, there’s only one judge capable of keeping your body in order… the innate intelligence that built it in the first place, so allow your body to tap into its full innate potential by seeing Dr. Rini for regular chiropractic care!

Chiropractic Colored Glasses

Posted: August 20, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

What does the world look like through Chiropractic colored glasses? Does your health shine brighter… are your relationships with friends and family more in focus… is your job performance sharper and crisper?

You “see” everything through your nerve system – how you feel, how you interact with the people around you, how you perform at home or at work. When your nerves are stressed, the line between barely existing and fully living is blurred. However, the more clear your nerve system, the better your ability to interact physically, mentally and spiritually with the world around you; and ultimately the better your quality of life!

When a Chiropractor adjusts the stress from your nerve system, it’s like cleaning the dirt, streaks and smudges from the lens through which you interpret your world – and with a clear lens you can see all your potential. So get in to see Dr. Rini for an adjustment this week because life is more vibrant when you’re viewing it through Chiropractic glasses!

Soaking Up Stress

Posted: August 13, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

Your nerve system is the ultimate sponge, soaking up all the experiences, sensations and stresses you encounter every day. Like a sponge, it can only absorb so much before it becomes over-saturated and spills stress into your body. The result… PAIN, SICKNESS and WEAK PERFORMANCE!

The best thing you can do to prevent nerve system over saturation is to get checked by your Chiropractor regularly and adjusted when necessary. Adjustments gently “wring out” accumulated tension in your nerve system before it has a chance to build up and affect your health negatively.

If you’re feeling super-soaked from the stress of life, bring your saturated nerves to Dr. Rini for some TLC! You’ll experience more energy, improved sleep and a better overall feeling of wellness if you do.

Which One to Start?

Posted: August 6, 2019
By: The Weekly Sticky

“Once you start, you’ll have to keep going.” It’s the oldest cliché you’ll hear about chiropractic from those who’ve never given it a chance. Yet many of those same naysayers would gladly fill a prescription for OxyContin or Vicadin to relieve their chronic pain. Well, consider this.

In 2016 over 115 Americans died daily from opioid overdoses, accounting for nearly two-thirds of the 63,632 Americans who died of drug overdose that year. In 2018, more than 2 million Americans suffered from addiction to prescription or illicit opioids – an addiction that can take hold in as little as 5 days use, yet cause a lifetime of physical, emotional and financial devastation for the victims and loved ones involved. On the flip side…

A recent study by Yale School of Medicine now shows “Patients who have a visited a chiropractor for musculoskeletal pain and associated conditions are currently 49% less likely to be issued and to receive an opioid prescription when compared to their counterparts who sought help from other healthcare providers.” Chiropractic care is well established as a safe and cost effective means to rid pain, restore function and get patients back on the road to health faster than Big Pharma can. Start one that leads to potential death or one that leads to more Life – it’s your move!



Chiropractic Care Tied to Significant Reduction in Opioid Scripts – Medscape.com

Opioid Addiction Can Happen in Just 5 Days – Truthinitiative.org
